We, 16 Burma pro-democracy organizations including all ethnic organizations in the United Kingdom are delighted to learn that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has been released from house arrest without conditions. We welcome the release of our democracy leader at this crucial time, when the democratic movement is in great need of a leader with her qualities of wisdom, courage and unwavering dedication, to lead and inspire us as we move towards real freedom in Burma. Her release fills us with fresh hope for the future of a new, peaceful and democratic Burma.
At the same time, while we rejoice in her freedom, there is widespread fear among the entire community of the people of Burma and their international friends for the safety of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, given previous violent attempts on her life. We know that she, as the widely admired Nobel laureate and democracy leader of our country, is our nation’s greatest asset in the search for future peace and stability in Burma, and indeed, in the surrounding region. The danger to her is real and grave. Therefore we urgently stress that security surrounding her has to be the number one priority now. We also want to state that, it is important that should there be an attempt on her life, the international community should take immediate concrete action.
During the years of her detention the situation in the country has deteriorated terribly. The number of political prisoners has doubled in the past 3 years. There are still 2202 political prisoners in Burma and the regime’s attack against ethnic civilians continues, resulted in serious human rights and humanitarian crisis. However, we hope the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi will set up the conditions needed to bring to an end the long suffering of the people, and will help us all to begin to resolve many of the problems and conflicts now besetting our nation.
It is also our belief that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, with her extraordinary qualities, and in her capacity as leader of the democratic movement, is the key to bringing political stability to Burma, by fostering unity and harmonious relations between all of Burma’s ethnic groups and other political, religious and social organizations; and by entering into productive and harmonious dialogue with the ruling military junta and ethnic leaders.
Therefore, 16 Burma pro-democracy organizations including all ethnic organizations in UK declare our wholehearted support for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. We fully endorse her agenda and will work with and for her and the nation to bring real change to Burma. We are with her, heart and mind, when she reiterates our shared belief.
We call on the European Union and United Nations to increase their support for Burma by putting stronger pressure on the regime to release all political prisoners, declare nationwide ceasefire and enter into dialogue with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and ethnic leaders.
“We must work together in unison to achieve our goal”.
This supporting statement is prepared by the following organizations:
1. 88 Generation Student – UK
2. Arakan Rohingya National Organization – UK
3. Arakanese Community – UK
4. Burma Democratic Concern
5. Burmese Democratic Movement Association – UK
6. Burmese Muslim Association – UK
7. Burmese Rohingya Organization – UK
8. Chin Community UK
9. Democratic Party for a New Society – UK
10.Kachin National Organization – UK
11.Karen Community Association – UK
12.Karen National Union – UK
13.Karenni Community – UK
14.Mon Community – UK
15.National League for Democracy Liberated Area Europe
16.Women of Burma Organization – UK