Aid to Burma needs to be increased, but instead it has been cut at a time when the need has never been greater.
Tell the British Foreign Secretary to reverse the cut in aid to Burma.
Burma is one of the poorest countries in Asia. Decades of military rule have resulted in widespread poverty, poor health care and low educational standards. An estimated 75% of the population live below the poverty line.
The British government is abandoning Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh
Aid to Rohingya refugees has been cut by 82%. Email the British Foreign Secretary now calling on him to reverse aid cuts to Rohingya refugees and save lives.
Bangladesh action
The government of Bangladesh places severe restrictions on Rohingya refugees’ access to education and healthcare. Email the government of Bangladesh today to ask them to allow Rohingya refugee children decent homes and education.
The Dirty List
The Dirty List names international companies doing business with the military in Burma. The list also includes international companies involved in projects where there are human rights violations or environmental destruction.